Essential support
after a difficult birth

Essential support after a difficult birth

The Birth Healing Collective provides information, education and comprehensive online programs to help you make sense of your birth experience and move forward feeling lighter.

What defines a traumatic birth? Download Dr Rosie's free guide to birth trauma.

Hi, I'm Dr Rosie.

I’m Dr Rosanna Pajak, a Clinical Psychologist and mum of two wild little boys. 

Through my work as a perinatal psychologist, I understand the emotional impact when birth doesn’t go to plan – and I’m here to help you move forward. 

I know how valuable it is to be able to make sense of the feelings that come up after a distressing birth experience and know you are not alone.

And if you are preparing to have another baby after a previously difficult birth experience, I have so much to share with you! Join me to feel calm, confident and empowered as you head towards your next birth.

Online Programs

Dr Rosie’s online programs are here to support you to move forward after a difficult birth. 

Whether you are looking to emotionally heal from your birth experience, deepen your connection with your baby, or prepare psychologically for another birth,  these programs provide incredible opportunities to learn, reflect and grow. 

The Better Birth Program

Better Birth is a unique psychology-based online program to help you feel ready to give birth again after a difficult or traumatic birth experience. 

Benefit from Dr Rosie’s expertise and yourself with the tools you need for a better birth. You can enjoy your pregnancy knowing you are doing all you can to go into your next birth feeling calm, confident and emotionally prepared for your next birth experience. 

The Birth Healing Program

The Birth Healing Program is a nurturing small group program facilitated by perinatal Clinical Psychologist, Dr Rosanna Pajak. 

An opportunity to safely share your birth-related experiences whilst learning some psychological tools to help you find peace – so you can move forward feeling lighter, stronger and more confident. 

In the Media

Get Dr Rosie's 'Better Birth' guide on how to emotionally prepare to birth again

5 ways to prepare

On the blog

Struggling to make sense of the feelings you have been left with after your birth?

Preparing to give birth again after a difficult experience last time? 

Our blog articles are here to inform your transition to motherhood, covering everything from birth to postnatal mental health and parenting challenges.